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Archivist Reserve for Burton

1987 Cruzer 165

1987 Cruzer 165

Regular price $1,451.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,451.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Dennis Says:

"The 1986 graphic is so iconic that it showed up again on this 1987 model (and I *think* this is the only time Burton's ever reused a graphic/colorway from one year to the next?)  Btw, in 1995 Burton re-used this graphic for Jeff Brushie's pro model (which is also a sick collectors deck), but this 1987 deck is considered the OG (even if 1986 did it first).  Yes, it's got a fin... and notably it's the last Burton deck to ever have one."

Ashley Says:

"This design is the 2nd snowboard Jeff Brushie ever owned. At 16:10 in this video below you can see him tell his story. He believes he won a Junior Slalom on this style. I will try to confirm that. Dennis is correct he did take this design and put it on a twin tip in in 95. In the video you'll see all of the other pros giving Jeff respect for always having the coolest graphics. He was also the originator of the craps table design deck, which I believe Dennis owns!!"

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